Review Protocol
This protocol supports teams to review their improvement efforts and evidence of impact at the end of a Sprint.
Pre-Meeting Prep
Each team member should bring evidence of impact (e.g. work samples, anecdotal notes, peer feedback from observations)
Suggested Timing
40 - 45 minutes
Review Tool template
Let’s get started
Orient the team
In the first few minutes, establish the purpose of the Review Meeting – it’s about bringing the Sprint to a close, reviewing the outcomes of the intended practice improvements, and determining implications for future practice.
Review the evidence
The type of evidence your team has brought to the table will depend on the practice improvement focus of your Sprint – it might be a video of teaching, work samples, class-level data, or other evidence.
In a way that makes sense for the data you have, ask each teacher to share their interpretation of the evidence they have.
Use the following prompts to guide the discussion:
- What practice changes did you actually make? How did it feel to implement? How did your capacity and confidence change over the Sprint period?
- To what extent does your evidence suggest a positive impact on students? What trends can we identify in the evidence?
- For whom do you think the practice change was most impactful? Why might that be?
Discuss what has been learned
Use the following prompts to identify the key learning:
- Through this process, what have you learned about your teaching?
- If successful, in what other areas of our teaching could we embed this new strategy or approach?
- What resources might we need if we were to carry this forward in our teaching?
Now that you’ve determined your key learning as a team, consider how you might share this with other colleagues in your setting. Communicating what you’ve learnt beyond your team can help to inspire and energise the improvement efforts of others across your school.
More about this protocol
✅ Identify and reflect on changes to practice
✅ Discuss and interrogate the evidence of impact
✅ Consider implications for future practice and create momentum for new learning
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